If at any point you think of an experiment you'd like to try out, all of the code examples below are editable.
var suite = new Distilled(function () {});
console.log('Tests/suites expose a `test` method: ', typeof suite.test === 'function');
var test = suite.test();
console.log('Calling `test` returns a new test/suite of the same type: ', Object.getPrototypeOf(test) === Object.getPrototypeOf(suite));
You can learn more about assert
in another section of the documentation.
Basically, assert
is the main assertion engine that test
to know whether or not a test has passed.
function Extension () {
Distilled.apply(this, arguments);
Extension.prototype = Object.create(Distilled.prototype);
Extension.prototype.constructor = Extension;
var assertion = function () {};
Extension.prototype.assert = function (claim) {
console.log('tests are passed into the child assert: ', claim === assertion);
return Distilled.prototype.assert.apply(suite, arguments);
var suite = new Extension(function () {});
suite.test('', assertion);
Tests are resolved using native Promise rules. If you're familiar with how async code works, you already know how test chaining works.
var suite = new Distilled(function () {});
var assertions = [];
suite.test('A', function () {
}).test('a', function () {
console.log('Parent tests are resolved before child assertions are called: ', this.parent.status === Distilled.STATUS.PASSED);
suite.test('B', function () {
console.log('Tests are marked as unresolved before they are called: ', suite.status === Distilled.STATUS.PENDING);
suite.then(function () {
console.log('Tests are called in the correct order: ', assertions.join('-') === 'A-B-a');
Failed tests don't call any of their children. You can use this to make your test suite "fail fast". For example, if a database connection fails, there's no point in running tests that rely on that connection, and there's no point in cluttering up your test output with those extra failures.
Eliminating superfluous tests will make it easier to see the root cause of that particular failure.
var suite = new Distilled(function () {});
var assertions = [];
var A = suite.test('A', function () {
return false;
var a = A.test('a', function () {
suite.then(function () {
console.log('Failed tests are marked as failed: ', A.status === Distilled.STATUS.FAILED);
console.log('Children of failed tests have their assertions skipped: ', 'A' === assertions.join('-'));
console.log('Children of failed tests are marked as skipped: ', a.status === Distilled.STATUS.SKIPPED);
var suite = new Distilled(function () {});
var child = suite.test('', function (param) {
console.log('Child is passed as a parameters: ', param === child);
console.log('Child is set to `this`: ', this === child);
You can traverse your entire test tree at any point, even while a suite is running. This is rarely necessary, but can be occasionally used in powerful ways to build very creative extensions or test reporters.
var suite = new Distilled(function () {});
suite.test('', function () {
console.log('Child has a reference to the parent: ', this.parent === suite);
console.log('Parent has a reference to the child: ', suite.children[0] === this);
suite.test('', function () {
console.log('Multiple children can be attached: ', suite.children[1] === this);
Of course, Distilled is designed to be highly extensible.
function Extension () {
Distilled.apply(this, arguments);
Extension.prototype = Object.create(Distilled.prototype);
Extension.prototype.constructor = Extension;
var suite = new Extension(function () {});
var test = suite.test();
console.log('correct prototype is attached to new suites when calling `test`: ', Object.getPrototypeOf(test) === Object.getPrototypeOf(suite));
Code samples in this section demonstrate bug fixes. They're not particularly relevant to the documentation, but they help make sure that Distilled never has any regressions.
var suite = new Distilled(function () {}, { timeout: 50 });
var rejected = suite.test('', true).test('', new Promise(function () {}));
rejected.then(function () {
console.log('An unresolved promise will time out: ', rejected.status === Distilled.STATUS.FAILED);